Advanced Practice Provider Executives
"The pinnacle of potential for advanced practice executives, administrators, and leaders."

APPex Fellows

Posted 5 days ago

Initially developed and launched in early 2020, Advanced Practice Provider Executives, Inc. (APPex) established the first and only honorary recognition that formally acknowledges the accomplishments of APRN/PA expert administrators and leaders specifically involved with advanced practice. Fellows of APPex are selected based on outstanding contributions to advanced practice administration.

Becoming a fellow of a professional membership organization is an honor reserved exclusively for the most senior scholars. Not to be confused with a post-graduate residency/fellowship program, fellow status is an honorary, competitive process for which applicants/nominees must detail their achievements and show a substantial amount of work that has enriched their profession.

Applications are accepted on a rolling, ongoing basis.

Fellows of APPex will be honored and recognized annually at the national conference in September.

After this recognition ceremony, Fellows may begin using the FAPPex credential.

Learn more and apply here:


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